What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping is a service by the search engine giant that displays products for sale to users of various Google channels, such as Google Search and the Google Display Network. 

Users are directed to the product page on the seller’s website where they can make the purchase when they click on an ad. The only exception is if they click on a Buy button on a Google offer, which lets them buy directly from the Google service they are currently using.

Wherever you are with Google Shopping, at Superb Digital we can set up and run your campaign, taking on all the heavy lifting and technical work that goes into it. 

Google Shopping Google Shopping
Example of Google Shopping Ads

How we can help you get more from Google Shopping

At Superb Digital We’ll set your Google Ads account up and submit your product information to Google Merchant Center. Not only this, we’ll then manage those campaigns for you, adding new products and constantly measuring, adjusting and making sure they are optimised to maximise your click budget month in month out. 

Our monthly management fee is taken as a percentage of your ad budget so it reflects the size and complexity of your campaign. This includes all our management and reporting, as well as regular updates on the phone, so you’ll always be on top of our progress and any issues that may need addressing.

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Google Shopping FAQ

How can Google Shopping benefit my business?

There are many ways Google shopping can help you push your products. These include:

  • Expansive reach — Google is the most popular search engine on the planet, which means your products can be displayed to a huge number of potential customers.
  • Qualified leads — Prices and, if applicable, an aggregate of user ratings, are shown with the ad to help users make an informed decision. 
  • Simple ad management — Google does the work of showing your ads to the most relevant audience using your submitted product info, so you don’t have to individually bid for multiple keywords.
  • In-depth reporting — Google provides comprehensive data on how well your ads are doing. We will take this data and condense it into an easily digestible report, but you can always access the source data yourself if you really want to dive into the detail.
Where will my ads appear on Google Shopping?

Google Shopping rankings are based on search term relevance and users’ Google activity. It is distinct from organic and paid text-based search results, so a product ad from one website can show up on top of the number one ranking text-based search result from a different website.

If you want to rank high on Google Shopping, some of the best practices we recommend include:

  • Optimising product titles
  • Writing relevant and detailed product info
  • Using clean, high-quality product pictures
  • Implementing negative keywords to filter irrelevant search terms
  • Encouraging user reviews

Of course, if you have a lot of products, then there is a LOT of work involved in doing all of the above, which is why it pays to work with an agency like Superb Digital in order to leverage the economies of scale and resources – not to mention experience – that we can bring to the table.

How can I track and measure my Google Shopping campaign?

Integrate your Google Ads account with your Google Analytics. Make sure that auto-tagging is enabled, so you can see richer data like Placements, Display Targeting, and Hour of Day. 

To access your campaign’s report, go to your Analytics dashboard, navigate to your view, and open Reports in the left panel. Then go to Select Acquisition > Google Ads > Shopping Campaigns. You’ll find data that will help you find out what your best-performing segments are and how you can adjust your bids.

If you work with us, we can set this all up for you to save you time and effort. All you’ll need to do is log in to your Analytics and see your numbers increase. 

How much will it cost me to run ads on Google Shopping?

You pay Google for every click on your Google Shopping ads. When you set up a Google Shopping campaign, you get to decide how much you are willing to pay for each click. This can vary wildly, depending on the competition. Ultimately it comes down to how much you want to spend and how well you run your campaign.

If you work with an experienced PPC agency like Superb Digital then we will charge you a management fee on top of this click budget, but the optimisation and experience we can apply to your campaign will more than pay for this fee. We’ve seen it again and again with ROI shooting through the roof in just a couple of months with many clients. Doing it yourself really can be a false economy.

Does Google Shopping use keywords?

Yes and no.

Google Shopping doesn’t directly use keywords as a targeting factor the same way Google Search does to display relevant results to users. It largely takes keywords from the product title you provide via your product feed in the Google Merchant Center and matches that with relevant search terms. 

What Google Shopping does use are “negative keywords.” You can add these to your campaigns and ad groups to prevent your products from showing up as results for queries that you deem irrelevant. 

Apart from obvious terms that have zero relevancy, you may want to add overly generic terms like “smartphones” and competitor brands as negative keywords, as you are likely to have a low conversion rate with those terms.

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